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What is Lead Scoring & How Can It Help?

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What is Lead Scoring & How Can It Help? Charlie Spaneas What is Lead Scoring? Lead scoring is an automated marketing tool sales and marketing teams use to determine qualified leads. Scores are attached to each lead based on their interest level in products or services. Lead scoring models differ from company to company. Companies […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in CRM…CRM of the Future

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in CRM…CRM of the Future Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI), for years, has been the symbol of what the future will bring…whether it be robots in the workplace or smart appliances in your home. Well, the future is now.  AI is commonly described as intelligence displayed by machines, as opposed to “natural […]

Which Options Make The Best CRM Solution For Small Businesses?

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Which Options Make The Best CRM Solution For Small Businesses? Chantaye Patton What is the best CRM solution for your small business? Regardless of the size of your company, you need to take full advantage of the tools and technologies that can fuel your company’s success. That means using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. […]

How does CRM Automation Optimize your Sales Process?

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How does CRM Automation Optimize your Sales Process? Charlie Spaneas Using a CRM solution will optimize your sales process. Your sales organization will become more efficient and close deals faster. You can achieve this by automating the stages of your sales into your CRM application. In other words, CRM workflow tools optimize your business processes.  Think […]

Managing Relationships Proactively with Your CRM

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Unleashing CRM’s Potential: A Guide to Proactive Relationship Management Charlie Spaneas An article in The Wall Street Journal explained the increasing importance of delivering an exceptional customer experience. The author, Irving Wladawsky-Berger, stated, “A company can differentiate itself from competitors in one of two key ways: by providing a superior customer experience or by offering […]

Measuring Customer Loyalty

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Measuring Customer Loyalty Charlie Spaneas Did you know from some studies over the years that… • Most businesses lose about 25% of their customers annually • On average, the CEOs of most U.S. corporations lose half their customers every five years • In general, the longer a customer stays with a company, the more that […]