Phone Sales Tips

Top 12 Phone Sales Tips Used by Successful Salespeople

This article will share the Top 12 phone sales tips that successful salespeople use. Using these tips will help build your pipeline and close more deals. Whether you’re an experienced sales pro or just learning how to sell, read on for the best phone sales tips to help you succeed!


  1. Understand your prospect and their business needs.
  2. Know your product or service inside and out
  3. Practice active listening and find their “Pain Points.”
  4. Use Open-ended questions to start conversations.
  5. Storytelling – Show how your product or service solves a problem
  6. Don’t be pushy and focus on building long-term relationships.
  7. Learn to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  8. Use technology to improve your sales process.
  9. Body Language during your outbound calls.
  10. Be upfront about pricing and fees.
  11. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale.
  12. Continuously improve and learn from your experiences.


1. Understand your prospect and their business needs.

You should personalize each call by understanding who you are talking to (CFO, CEO, COO, etc.) and what type of business they are in (which industry, etc.). This information will allow you to tailor your approach to the prospect’s needs and pain points.


2. Know your product or service inside and out.

Ensure you understand your offering well before getting on a call with a prospect. This seems silly, but you’d be surprised how many people start a sales conversation without knowing what they are selling.


You don’t have to be ‘the world’s greatest expert’ on every product or service your company offers. It’s ok to say, “That’s a great question, and I’m going to talk to my specialists and get back to you with a detailed response.”


3. Practice active listening and find their “Pain Points.” 

After introducing yourself and explaining why you are calling, start listening and taking notes. If you begin a sales conversation trying to sell your products, your cold call will end quickly.


If your prospect is willing to talk, allow them to explain their pain points. Ask questions and get a good understanding of their problems. Then explain how your products and services can solve their problems.


Take good notes and document critical issues in your CRM solution. If your prospect has additional questions or you need to have a future conversation, make sure you schedule the meeting before ending the call.


4. Use open-ended questions to start conversations.

Asking your prospects questions about their business will build a rapport. Have a few open-ended questions prepared. Ask questions that help your potential client identify their needs while giving you a better understanding of their business. Always show empathy and compassion towards the prospect.


5. Storytelling – Show how your product or service solves a problem.

After identifying the prospect’s pain points:


  1. Explain how your company can ease issues for their business.
  2. Offer a complete solution, not just a product.
  3. Give an overview of your recent successes with your customer that faced the same pains


Most people like to hear how businesses similar to theirs have solved comparable pain points with your solution. Showing your personality and sense of humor builds a connection. 


6. Don’t be pushy and focus on building long-term relationships.

Sometimes even when you know your product is perfect for their business, it may not be the right time for them to buy now. Be polite and ask if you can get back to them at a later date. Suggest a timeframe to see how long you will need to wait while getting permission to call back in the future. 


7. Learn to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Before you call your prospect, you may know if they are working with your competition or looking at other vendors. Be able to explain how features of your products are beneficial over all of your competitors. Understanding how your product compares with your competition is helpful to your potential customer. It also demonstrates your expertise and knowledge. 


8. Use Technology to improve your sales process.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are the best way for sales reps to stay organized and up-to-date. A good salesperson always follows up and stays in touch. A CRM solution tracks your customer journey from lead to closed sales and afterward.


9. Body Language during your outbound calls.

Be confident and assertive in your approach when conducting sales calls. Ways to help calm and clear your nerves: 


  • Take a deep breath before you dial the potential client’s phone number
  • Sit up straight or stand during the call 
  • Have their website or company profile on your CRM in front of you
  • Avoid distractions around you
  • Smile during the call 


10. Be upfront about pricing and fees.

You don’t want to be considered a ‘used car salesman’ and avoid discussing costs by saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you the best deal.” If possible, explain how your pricing works and give an estimation. If your pricing is complex and you need more details, set up a call with the appropriate resources before you end the call. 


11. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale.

Determine your call to action. What is the goal of your call? Don’t hesitate to close the deal if you are talking to the decision maker and can complete the sale over the phone.


When your products or services require a longer sales cycle, focus on getting your call to action. For example, if you want to set up a demonstration or have an additional conference call, set it up before you end your conversation.


12. Continuously improve and learn from your experiences.

Selling over the phone takes work. You will experience all types of people and behavior. Consider each call as a learning experience, whether successful or not. Always consider what you did well and where you need improvement from each call you make.

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